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Registered: 09-2006
Posts: 134
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Creeg read this pls.

I'm going to be taking a break from ddo for a bit. My account and characters will still be active and in use by a friend of mine. I suggest you demote me as soon as you can. He's a decent fellow, but I'm not going to take responsibility for his actions.

Once I get everything back on track here, I'll be back on my account, but until then, I'm not going to let my characters gather dust. He'll start using my characters either tomorrow or the next day. Tonight and or tomorrow I'll be demonstrating the strengths and weaknesses of my mains to him and I'm going to hand him a list of stuff to not sell/trade and a list of stuff to try and get.

If you need to get in touch with me during his reign, feel free to leave me a message on the forums or email me at [email protected].
See you soon


4/30/2007, 12:47 pm Link to this post Send Email to MinnCleric   Send PM to MinnCleric

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